Macarthur Anglican School, Cobitty NSW

Macarthur, while holding onto valuable traditions established since its foundation, is innovative, forward thinking and maintains a passion for teaching and learning. Our staff is committed to assisting each child to be ready to lead and participate in their communities.
School Founded
Student Numbers
up to 1000
Year Levels
ELC to YEAR 12
$10,400 - $15,800

605 Cobbitty Road

Macarthur Anglican School, while holding onto valuable traditions established since its foundation, is innovative, forward thinking and maintains a passion for teaching and learning. Our staff is committed to assisting each child to be ready to lead and participate in their communities. Whether in the classroom, on the sporting field, in music ensembles, other performance opportunities, through outdoor education or any of the diverse range of other activities available, Macarthur students are able to broaden their interests and enhance their skills.

The traditions on which Macarthur is built are diverse and dynamic, presenting students with opportunities to pursue their passion or indeed discover new ones! These traditions have created a School that respects the individual, engages with them and encourages and challenges each one to be the best that they can be. There is no 'typical' Macarthur student, but all students have the opportunity to develop values that enrich the intellect, develop social responsibility and service, create healthy lifestyles and promote integrity and confidence - all while encouraging them to explore the eternal benefits of the Christian faith. As a Christian school, Macarthur seeks to honour God every day, bringing the word of God to the students and teaching them of Jesus' saving love.

The emphasis the School places on sport, co-curricular opportunities, the comprehensive Music Programme from Year 3 onwards, and the Year 3 to Year 12 mandatory Outdoor Education Programme are not accidental and are not simply in place to keep students busy. By encouraging students into experiences that they might not have chosen for themselves, or by developing already existing talents and interests, a student's academic development is greatly enhanced. In the developing years the brain is an organ that craves stimulation and the more opportunities an individual can experience the greater complexity the brain will develop in its thinking and processing abilities. Breadth of opportunity is more than just fun; it enhances learning.

Service to others is a key element of life at Macarthur and from their earliest years Macarthur students learn about supporting others. They are involved in raising funds for charitable organisations domestic and overseas.

Junior School – Transition to Year 4, Middle School – Year 5 to Year 9. Senior School – Year 10 to Year 12.

Tradition / Culture
Performing Arts
Co-Curricular Activities
International Exchange
Tennis Courts
Sporting Oval

Music and Academic Scholarships in Years 7, 9 and 11
The Warren Scholarship for Christian Leadership (Year 11)

Parents are invited to make a time for a School Tour at a time that suits their family.